Saturday, May 20, 2017


I look through the window,
The window of thy wreck:
Wrinkles of loss, hiding a grin,
Glittering eyes, telling a myth,
Tears since time, you thought, doesn't exist.

A brave heart, conceiling a cause
Desire of spirit, drowning in chaos.
From mud and ash a blaze arises,
The storm is hitting it down.

A thundering thought smashing the glass,
The mirror is cracking apart,
The path is freed from the past.
Trusting I'm stepping forward.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Orice zi e-o nouă cale - Versuri

  1. Orice zi e-o nouă cale
    Sub un cer necunoscut,
    Dar știu glasul voiei Sale
    Și pășesc neabătut;
    De e nor sau zi senină,
    Am alături pe Isus,
    Călăuză și lumină
    Răsărit, fără apus.

Friday, March 17, 2017

Trip to London - Day One

Day 1 - Departure
Today, 14 March 2017, is one of those big days in my life. Together with my brother and two other friends, we're going in a 3 days trip in London. To be honest we haven't prepared too much for this. We had some plans that had to be changed yesterday (we found out that our friends that should have offer us accomodation are living 80 km away from the central zone of London and the only way to get to the center of the city was by the train which is really expensive; and so we had to find accomodation at some hotel), so things got a bit messy, but we stepped ahead with courage.

Monday, February 27, 2017


Light shifting away
silhouettes drawn around
a faltering whisper of flutes
the twilight thrilling is calling,
staring I listen.