Thursday, December 15, 2016

How to Blog Properly & Reasons You Can't Keep Blogging

I started this blog back in 2011. I was really entertained of the idea of writing, expressing, sharing myself with the people connected. 5 years have passed and my blog got only a small audience and I wrote only a small number of posts. Now it comes to your mind these questions:

    Why haven't you posted more often? Why haven't you invested time in the blog, since you say you love to write? Maybe you could learn some tricks from tutorials on how to blog? Why ...? why...?
 I can say I read some articles about blogging; I had the desire of posting; I invested time in this blog. But all these in the wrong way. So I came up now with a 4 reason why you can't blog or how to blog (or 4 reasons why I can't blog and I'm serious about this: I can't make it).

1. You need to have something to say

The most important thing in order to be able to write is to have something to say. Many times I wanted to post something, but I didn't know what. I started to look on the internet for something to give me an idea of what I should write about, but this is totally wrong. The idea doesn't have to come from outside but from within you. A good post should express your ideas about a subject, with arguments wheter you agree or not. Tip: Read books, articles, watch documentaries or follow any informational sources that could pop up a good idea of post in your mind.

2. Gather information

Recently I started to read a book writen by Dale Carnegie entitled How to Develop Self-Confidence & Influence People by Public Speaking and he is talking in the second chapter about the importance of being well documented when you have to write a speech. So I thought about this idea and I realized that it doesn't matter if you have to speak in front of hundred peoples or you have to write an article because however you're doing it, you send a message and it's extremly important to understand well the idea you are talking about. Also you'd better gather more information than you need to put in the message, because the overall image you create from the knowledge you gather would certainly help you  find a logical line of the topic. Tip:  Look for life experiences that reflect your subject; Find in any idea you hear something that could be another valuable information. then take time to think, to reflect of what are you going to say.

3. The emotional state

The emotional state plays a big role in your success of blogging. For example: the idea of writing this post came to my mind two weeks ago and I took me one week to start writing down it and another one to finish it. Why? Because most of the time I had not the right mood: either I felt lazy, either to energized for writing it. The emotional state is not only about you, but also about your expectations. If you mostly think that nobody will appreciate what you want to say, nobody will see it, or maybe your friends/family would think it's a waste of time, you would almost every time fail in finding the right mood to write. Tip: Try to understand your feelings, where they come from, whenever your mood doesn't cooperate.

4. Invested time 

During these years I invested time in these blog, but in the wrong way. I spent many hours in editing the template, playing with html, designing its appearance, adding social plugins, trying to make the blog unique and user-friendly. Of course this is not something to be neglected, but I was more focusing on way the message is shown to visitors, not on the message itself. But there should be a balance, between the message and the way the message is shown (design/visual effects). Tip: Focus more on the secrets of writing. Read books about speeches, about how to present a message in an attractive way.

If you have some nice tips about what could help someone write a good article, I'd like to know, so just post them in the comments below. If you find useful this article give it a thumb-up or share it.